Sometimes I have to stray from home improvement and remodeling, just a little, and promote the fabulous area we live in here in Northern California.
Many of you may have heard about the article published by Forbes Magazine saying that Stockton was the #2 Most Miserable City in the U.S. If you haven't had the privilege, here's a short video about the "distinguished honor" from CBS News.
The best thing about people making up this kind of "honor" list is the rebuttals that are sure to fly around the web. Mr. Gregary Basso, Stockton resident and the retired founder of Sunrise Sanitation Co., made a video with one of the best and most professional rebuttals I have seen. He definitely takes exception to Forbes opinion and is not afraid to put it out there, so the world can get his opinion first hand. Check this out...
I love how Mr. Basso took the time to make a quality video showing off all the good things Stockton has to offer. Wonder what Cleveland will do?