We have all been to The Home Depot for one reason or another. Whether you needed to replace a light bulb or an entire light fixture, Home Depot is bound to have it. As builders, we rely on The Home Depot for many of our supplies. They have the products we need to continue to create beautiful and sustainable homes for our customers, as well as the things we use in our own home. Needless to say, The Home Depot has been there for us time and time again.
We are always looking for ways to live a little "greener" these days, and The Home Depot has the perfect tool to help you. The Home Depot and the U.S. Green Building Council has teamed together to create LEED For Homes. This tool is a product finder at Homedepot.com to help you choose items such as replacement windows, doors, flooring, or a light bulb that all meet LEED requirements. The Home Depot has over 2500 products that meet LEED specifications.
The wheel pictured above allows you to select the products you are searching for and shows you which ones are more environmentally friendly. Each product is awarded a series of points; the higher the points, the closer you are to achieving LEED certification for your home.
So, in your quest to be green and improve your home environment, check out their website to get the products you need to achieve your green goals. And don't forget to call us when you need help with those bigger projects!
If you are ready to make some green improvements to your home or just want to check off a few projects from your honey-do list, give us a call at 1-800-498-1833 or stop by our website at www.uniquitybuilders.com or simply scan the QR code below.
Also be sure to "like" us on Facebook!
Source: leed.homedepot.com