The holiday season is upon us yet again and it seems to arrive earlier and earlier each year. It's not just Christmas anymore, it seems like the "holidays" start with Halloween. Americans are expected to spend as much as 5 billion dollars on halloween costumes, decorations and candy! A far cry from the 55 billion expected to be spent during Christmas. Still, it's a big chunk of money to fork out just to have your little one dress up as a princess or a ninja for one evening.
At Uniquity Builders, we do our best to buy American made products whenever possible. Buying products made in America strengthens our economy and creates jobs. However, with all the shopping you'll be doing this year, whether online or in the stores, it can be difficult to stay on track. Difficult, but not impossible. There are resources all over the web to help you find items made in America, such as This site lists numerous products made in America, anything from clothes to sporting goods, even caskets! You can also filter your search to find products made in specific states, that way you're not only buying to boost the economy, but supporting your local community, as well.
Now, I know it may not be possible to have a 100% made in America holiday, with those ever popular gaming systems being manufactured overseas, just try to keep it in the back of your mind while out shopping. Make it a point to check labels for those three magic words... Made in America! And remember, the more of the 55 billion we spend on American products, the better.
So, have fun shopping this season and Happy Holidays!
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